Do You Make These 9 Family Vacation Mistakes?

Family vacations: The expectations are always high, but the reality? Not so much—vacationing with the family can be a significant source of stress for parents and kids alike. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are nine family vacation mistakes you are probably making, and how to stop making them.

1. Having Unrealistic Expectations

The best way to guarantee your family vacation won’t live up to expectations is to have unrealistic ones in the first place. Your vacation will hopefully be fun and relaxing, but you will probably still have to deal with someone getting carsick, someone else throwing a temper tantrum, and a weather-related delay or two. But these aren’t the things you will want to remember when you think back on your vacation, so take them in stride and move on.

2. Leaving Your Kids out of the Planning

The best family vacations take everyone’s wants and needs into account. You may have grand plans about spending the whole week roughing it in a remote campground, while your kids may be freaked out by the idea of not having access to Wi-Fi. The goal is to be together as a family, and that needs to start with everyone having a say.

3. Cramming in Too Many Activities

Especially if your kids are young, don’t try to plan too much—one activity a day is probably good. Even on vacation, try to stick to a reasonable schedule; otherwise, you risk crankiness and exhaustion by Day 3.

4. Booking Non-Cancelable, Non-Refundable Tickets and Activities

Flexibility is key to eliminating family vacation stress. Although non-cancelable, non-refundable tickets do usually come with the lowest price tags, it only works if everything goes exactly according to plan. And chances are it won’t. So allow yourself some slack and spend a little extra in the name of flexibility.

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5. Booking Inadequate Accommodations

If your family is like most, you are traveling on a budget. Hotel rooms are generally the most expensive accommodations available, and they give you the least space. Consider booking a vacation rental cabin, home, or apartment instead—this will both be easier on your bank account and provide more space so everyone can be together, but still have some breathing room.

6. Not Communicating

Communicate—extensively—with your significant other and especially with your kids about the vacation. Make sure everyone knows what the plan is and what is expected of them. If there are things you know you will need help with (e.g., keeping track of travel documents), assign responsibilities in advance rather than waiting until you arrive at the airport only to discover that no one has the passports.

7. Overpacking

You’ve seen those families struggling through the airport with one child and ten suitcases—they look miserable! Here’s a tried-and-true packing method: Three days before your vacation, lay out everything you think you need to take. Let it sit out overnight, then the next day put half of the stuff back into the closet. Let it sit overnight, and then trim by half again. Pack what’s left; that’s all you really need.

8. Buying Too Many Souvenirs (or the Wrong Souvenirs)

Souvenirs can be precious mementos that remind you of the wonderful vacation you spent in [fill in the blank]. Or they can add unnecessary weight to your suitcase and to the stuff you have to dust when you get home. If you find an amazing one-of-a-kind souvenir that you absolutely must have, of course you should buy it. But for everything else, well, you can probably order it online (that is, if you still want it when you get home). And remember, a photograph is a souvenir you can post on Facebook.

9. Not Taking Time for R&R in Hocking Hills, Ohio 

So you are all together, having a wonderful time at Disneyland or hiking through Hocking Hills, but after a few days you will still need a break. Plan some relaxation time just for you—a massage, a Jacuzzi, or even just a solo walk to the coffee shop in the morning. Getting in a little “me time” will help you relax, have fun, and truly enjoy your family vacation.


Photo Credit: “Sandals Cuba Pool” by Ashley Burton[CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons