What to do When It’s Freezing in Ohio

Winter storm Hercules is wreaking havoc across the country, and Hocking Hills, Ohio, has seen some of its coldest weather in years. The deep freeze will continue into next week, with temperatures dipping below zero with the wind chill. During times like this, it can be a challenge not only to stay warm but also to stave off cabin fever. Here are our top tips for how to take care of both body and soul when it’s too cold to go play outside.

Freezing Weather Safety Tips

In freezing weather, everything is more vulnerable—people, pets, homes, and cars. Follow these tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Beware of the wind chill. The temperature may seem reasonable, but it’s the wind chill that really counts. Cold wind can cause you to lose heat much faster than just cold temperatures—if you go outside, be sure to wear as much windproof clothing as possible.

Remember “COLD.” The four basic principles of keeping warm can be summed up by the acronym COLD.

  • Clean. Keep your clothing clean to ensure it insulates properly.
  • Overheating. Avoid overheating, which can cause you to sweat. You may be tempted to put on all of your sweaters at once, but you’re better off wearing something a little lighter.
  • Loose and Layers. Tight clothing can restrict blood circulation, and layers both provide extra insulation and give you something to take off if you get too hot.
  • Dry. Keep dry—wear water-repellent clothing if possible. If you do get wet, change your clothes immediately.

Keep an eye on seniors, kids, and pets. These populations are even more vulnerable to cold and temperature-related illnesses. Even if you have to go out, leave your parents, kids, and the family dog at home.

Turn on the tap. In weather like this, pipes underground can freeze quickly. Turn on all of the taps in your house so that a very small drizzle is flowing out of them, and open the cupboards beneath the sinks to let the warm air circulate.

Make sure there’s gas in the tank. If your car is parked outside make sure it has a full tank of gas so you don’t get ice in the fuel line. If you do have to drive, pack a bag with blankets, matches, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and some protein bars, just in case.

Inside Activities for Cold Days

After making sure you and your family are safe and warm, you’ll need plenty of indoor activities to keep you busy. Here are five fun activities to keep you from getting antsy.

Catch up on your movie watching. Chances are you didn’t make much progress on your Netflix list over the holidays, so take advantage of this opportunity to catch up on your movies and TV shows. Put on your PJs, make a bowl of popcorn, and settle in for a night of shameless self-indulgence.

Play games. This is a great time to try that new board game you got for Christmas or deal the cards.

Read. How often do you really get to just flop down in your favorite armchair and read for the day? Well, now you can, and no one can make you feel bad about it!

Cook. If you are like many people, your email is probably overflowing with recipes from the Food Network or Epicurious. Why not give them a try?

Do that project you’ve been putting off. You know the one—organizing your files or cleaning out the garage or defragging your computer. The time is now.

Winter doesn’t have to mean doldrums. In fact, it is arguably the time when Hocking Hills it at its most beautiful. Stay safe and warm, take the time to reconnect with yourself and your family, and enjoy the season!